Accredited distance learning degrees can lead you to career success. However, not all distance education programs are created equal. In order to get the most from your distance education, it's a good idea to enroll in accredited online college and university programs.
Distance education programs that aren't accredited may not be seen as valid by other schools, state certification and licensing boards, or current or future employers. However, online degrees from accredited online colleges and universities are usually seen as equal to degrees obtained in a more traditional classroom setting.
By choosing an accredited online college and university distance education program you can be certain that your distance learning degree will be recognized by others.
U.S. Department of Education
What is Accreditation & Why Does it Matter?
According to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), the goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by an institute of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. This is particularly important when it comes to distance education.Distance education programs that aren't accredited may not be seen as valid by other schools, state certification and licensing boards, or current or future employers. However, online degrees from accredited online colleges and universities are usually seen as equal to degrees obtained in a more traditional classroom setting.
Accrediting Online Colleges and Universities
The USDOE does not actually accredit online colleges and universities; instead, it maintains a list of regional accreditation agencies. These private educational associations develop evaluation criteria and assess both traditional and distance education programs to determine whether or not those programs meet their standards.By choosing an accredited online college and university distance education program you can be certain that your distance learning degree will be recognized by others.
Accredited Distance Learning Degrees
By choosing an accredited distance learning degree program you'll not only be able to rest easy knowing that you're degree is recognized by others, but you'll have the satisfaction of advancing your career and increasing your earning potential.Source:
U.S. Department of Education
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